Matthew 14:23

“And having dismissed the crowds, Jesus went up into the mountain alone to pray.”

Jesus Christ, in His humanity, knew His need for complete solitude—to be entirely by Himself and alone with His Heavenly Father. Jesus felt the need to be by Himself in order to regain His strength. Solitude was also important to Jesus in order to realize His high calling, His human weakness, and His total dependence on His Heavenly Father. Our God desires that every child of His would realize the importance of making time with God alone.  He made a way for you and I to come to Him—the Great I AM—in Jesus name!  

Our desire is to become a house of prayer.  We are continually seeking God’s will – pleading for the movement of the Holy Spirit to teach, move and heal our land.

We would be honored to partner with you in your journey! Please allow us to come along side and pray with you. 

We have an active prayer team at Hillside that will pray for you. Click the link and send us your prayer requests.

Monthly Prayer Gathering

3rd Monday of the Month at Hillside

Prayer Ministry Update

Life is hard and full of struggles, and God’s Word tells us to “share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). So, we want to go the Father with you in prayer!

If you would like to receive prayer in person, we have two options available. You can receive prayer from 9:30-10am Sunday mornings in the cry room adjacent to the church foyer or on the third Monday of every month from 7-8pm in the coffee shop. If you’d like to receive prayer in person during either of these times, please sign up here

If you would like to simply join us in prayer, our monthly prayer night will now be on the third Monday of each month. We meet in the coffee shop at the church from 7-8pm. The next meeting will be on Monday, January 16. We’d love to have you come pray with us! 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7